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Real Estate Australia

Family-Friendly Rental with Modern Touches and Huge Yard
$600 per week Weekly
Available: 16/09/2024


Property Location: 36 Curtis Way Girrawheen - - WA

Listing Id: 1007299629903  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: Welcome to this modernized, solid brick home that boasts three ample size bedrooms with built-in robes and a sleek, updated bathroom. The property features modernizations throughout, including the kitchen, laundry, tiles, and fresh paint throughout the entire home. The open-plan meals and living area provide plenty of room to live and entertain, while an additional living space/sunroom offers even more flexibility.

Step outside to the private alfresco patio area, perfect for enjoying the outdoors or hosting gatherings. The property also includes a convenient undercover carport with access to the rear yard, providing ample parking space. Kids and pets will love the huge back garden and rear yard, offering plenty of space to play and explore. With modern tiles and floor coverings throughout, this property is truly a must-see for anyone looking for a comfortable and stylish rental home.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to call this modern, updated property your home. With its modern amenities, ample living space, and outdoor entertaining options, this rental property has everything you need.

Book your look today!

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Family-Friendly Rental with Modern Touches and Huge Yard
$600 per week Weekly - Available 16/09/2024

Contact Peard Real Estate Rentals Today!!!

Contact Sandy Cogan
Phone 0499499274

Property ID:1007299629903
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