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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Well presented home in cul-de-sac
$580 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 6 Woods Ct Kingsley - - WA

Listing Id: 1007299629890  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   

Description: This well-presented home is nestled in a peaceful cul-de-sac, offering a serene living environment. It features three bedrooms and one bathroom. The separate lounge and dining room provide space for relaxation and entertaining.

The family/meals room opens up to a large undercover patio, perfect for outdoor dining and gatherings. Enjoy the lush reticulated gardens and stay cool with evaporative air conditioning.

Don't miss out on this fantastic rental opportunity!

Book your look today!

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Please be careful if someone claiming to be the owner of a property contacts you directly to arrange a viewing, as there are a number of scams going on at the moment and we would hate for you to become a victim.

Please ensure to bring a tape measure to properties if you need to measure any specific areas as seconds viewings are not always available

Well presented home in cul-de-sac
$580 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Peard Real Estate Rentals Today!!!

Contact Juanita Paul
Phone 0428166697

Contact Leanne Tilford
Phone 0893009050

Property ID:1007299629890
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