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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Stunning 4x2 home!
$580 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 21 Springfield Ct Warnbro - - WA

Listing Id: 1007299629803  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 1   

Description: This property includes formal & informal living areas ensure there is space for everyone to live comfortably.
A spacious kitchen with loads of preparation & cupboard space, dishwasher & island bench - just perfect for entertaining!
Manicured lawns & gardens to the front & rear, in addition to the large gabled undercover entertaining area.
Situated in a very quiet cul-de-sac the home is just a short stroll to pristine beaches, shops, schools & public transport just to name a few!
Split system a/c x 2
4 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Ceiling fans
Huge kitchen with island bench
Master suite with WIR & ensuite
Formal & informal living spaces
Roller shutters
Light bright & airy
Manicured gardens
Great location

Please be careful if someone claiming to be the owner of a property contact you directly to arrange a viewing, as there are a number of scams going on at the moment and we would hate for you to become a victim.
Please ensure to bring a tape measure to properties if you need to measure any specific areas as seconds viewings are not always available.

Stunning 4x2 home!
$580 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Peard Real Estate Rentals Today!!!

Contact Kiarra Brough
Phone 0488400399

Property ID:1007299629803
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