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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Prime location!
$585.00 per week Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 17a Gregory Av Padbury - - WA

Listing Id: 1007299629717  


Bedrooms: 3    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   

Description: This well-maintained and immaculate duplex offers comfortable living with three bedrooms and one bathroom. Key features include:

Built-In Robes (BIR) in all bedrooms
Security doors and windows for enhanced safety
Air conditioning for climate control
Carpeted bedrooms and tiled living areas for ease of maintenance
Additional amenities include:

Reticulated gardens ensuring lush and green surroundings
An enclosed yard for privacy and security
A small shed for extra storage
A patio for outdoor relaxation and entertainment

Prime location!
$585.00 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Peard Real Estate Rentals Today!!!

Contact Jamie Turkovic
Phone 0427191920

Property ID:1007299629717
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