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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

4 x 2 available with side access!
$660 per week Weekly
Available NOW

Property Location: 64 Smirk Rd Baldivis - - WA

Listing Id: 1007299629792  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   

Description: Spacious family home in Baldivis available in the Avalon Estate. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage with remote controlled door, theatre and alfresco. Well-appointed kitchen with Essa Stone bench tops, stainless steel appliances and soft closing doors with an island kitchen that overlooks the spacious open living area. Split system air conditioning in living, dining and kitchen. Double entry gates with brick paved area for your trailer or boat.

4 x 2 available with side access!
$660 per week Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Peard Real Estate Rentals Today!!!

Contact Kiarra Brough
Phone 0488400399

Property ID:1007299629792
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